Who We Are
Welcome to The Trinity Family RESORT, where GRACE Abounds, FAITH Builds and Shapes your Character, Wisdom Educates You, Knowledge Reprises, Understanding Replenishes and LOVE Rejuvenates You.
It’s our profound duty and responsibility to ensure your stay at our Family, All-Inclusive, The Trinity RESORT be an experience you will never forget. Where each room takes you into a different realm of relaxation, filled with the presence of the Divine Trinity.

2Scrolls Resort - Our History
2Scrolls Resort Inc. (The Company) was born out of a Spiritual Divine Encounter on August 2016, while visiting relatives in Austin, Texas, USA. The visitation and directions from the Holy Spirit was so profoundly Anointed and clear, that every detail was translated meticulously, as in the days of our Progenitors, Adam - Garden of Eden, Noah - Build the Ark, Abraham - Father of Many Nations, Moses - Led the Israelites out of Egypt & Cross the Red Sea, among others of this Divine Order. We stand on the Assurance of God’s Devine Promise to ALL of us.
The Trinity Resort's Brand, to the left of the page, is the exact replica of the Resort's Building Design, a Subsidiary umbrella (The Trinity Resort) of the Parent Company, 2Scrolls Resort Inc., Corporate Location, Markham, Ontario, Canada, It’s our Family of Oasis, All-Inclusive, Spiritual Retreat Paradise. Don’t take our word for it, we invite you to experience your own account of your personal interaction!
“COME”, is an invitation and instruction to change your position, experience repositioning to a brighter future, lifestyle, humility and grace in and at THE TRINITY RESORT.
The Trinity Resort (TTR) - Our ReBirth
Intrigued by its surrounding beauty, the Aspect Ratio of Divine presence, adorned with the atmosphere of Spiritual guidance, enlightening the making of tranquility, which brings out The Trinity Resort’s essence, that sets us apart in Perfect Peace.

The Placement of God’s Creative wonder (Creation of wonder), brings to fruition perfection on a magnitude scale, for the purpose and benefit of Belief, Faith, Trust, Hope and Visual Spiritual experience (seeing).
The Biblical re-enactment, the strength of Samson, The Ark of Noah, Solomon, the building of the Temple (Impartation of Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding), David (Ordained, Anointed & Appointed King), Sheppard boy, slaying of Goliath (the Giant), Moses, leading the children of Israel out of Egypt & parting of the Red Sea, Job, faithful to the very end, and Caleb & Joshua (crossing into the promise land), their steadfast obedience, faith driven belief and the experience of God’s Glorious Miracles (wonders) of things that is, things to be, and things to come.
The inherent gifts we were given and possess, for the upliftment of building the Kingdom of God, both Spiritually and Physically, for the belief of God’s presence on the Thrown of Grace and His tender mercies towards us ALL His Children.
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Visit us at one of our Family Oasis Vacation Destinations.
Breathtaking serenity abounds where tranquility sets the pace.
Release yourself into a Spiritual experience you will never forget.